Wednesday, 9 November 2016

Kim Kardashian Considers the Benefits of Surrogacy: ''You Could Have a Baby for a Year and Nobody Would Even Know"

What if Kim Kardashian and Kanye West had a third baby and the world had no idea?!
On this Sunday's episode of Keeping Up With the Kardashians, Kim reveals she wants to have a third child, but because she had complications during her two previous pregnancies, she's considering using a surrogate.
"Obviously I do want to have my own baby," Kim tells Kourtney Kardashian in the clip above. "But I truly don't know if my body can handle it one more time."
Kim admits that she has a lot of "fears" and "unanswered questions" about surrogacy because she doesn't have all of the information on it.
Kim Kardashian, KUWTK, KUWTK 1220

But even though Kim has some concerns about surrogacy, Kourtney explains that there are benefits to having a surrogate.
"If you use a surrogate, nobody has to know the whole time," she explains. "You could have a baby for a year and nobody would even know."

How does Kim react to Kourtney's idea?
Watch the video above to find out and to see the sisters discuss surrogacy!

