Sunday, 13 November 2016

Mercury in retrograde

The fault in the system, whether solar or financial.  

Stars - They’re Just Like Us!” by The Editors, Winter 2016, n+1

An exploration of and investigation of why we like astrology. Are stars charts and tarot cards just therapy by another name, or is there some deeper explanation for why people are drawn to objects that try to divine the secrets of an unknowable future?

An interesting and necessary read in the year of “Between the World and Me” (which you should also definitely read), on the morality of benefitting from a system that was built on the oppression of others.


Punk Crock” by Eugenia Williamson, December 2015,The Baffler

Not only is rock dead, but even punk, that last bastion of the anti-establishment, has gone mainstream, thanks to a sudden recent spate of memoirs that feature CBGB prominently. The truth is that the people reminiscing about punk may have given the movement more credit than its own originators ever did.

Beauty Is Broken” by Arabelle Sicardi, Dec 10 2015, Matter

Stop defining beauty by the patriarchy’s standards. The cosmetics and fashion industries, for women, have largely been driven by the tastes and desires of men. When will women get to have a say in determining what about them is considered beautiful or desirable?  

All I Want Are Some Potato Skins” by Keith Pandolfi, Jan 7 2016,Serious Eats

 That feeling we get when we eat the perfect comfort food.

